Where do I find my Cub Cadet model and serial number tags?
Cub Cadet Model number tags are often located in areas unlikely to need replacement - even after years of use. For most Cub Cadet power equipment, these tags are approximately 2" x 3" in size. They also have the Cub Cadet product's name, address and customer service phone number listed across the bottom.
Cub Cadet Walk-Behind Mower Model Numbers

Walk-behind model and serial number plate is located on the rear left side of the deck.
Model number will begin with 11 or 12.
Cub Cadet Lawn & Garden Tractors

Cub Cadet Riding mower model and serial number plate is located on the underside of the seat.
Model number will begin with 13 or 14.
Cub Cadet Zero-Turn Mowers

Cub Cadet Zero-turn model and serial number plate is located on the underside of the seat.
Model number will begin with 17.
Cub Cadet Tillers

Cub Cadet Tiller model and serial number plate is located on the tine housing.
Model number will begin with 21.
Cub Cadet Two-Stage Snow Throwers

Cub Cadet Two-stage snow thrower model and serial number plate is located on the frame cover, between the wheels.
Model number will begin with 31.
Cub Cadet Single Stage Snow Throwers

Cub Cadet Single-stage snow thrower model and serial plate is located on the units frame, near the belt cover.
Model number will begin with 31.
Cub Cadet String Trimmers
Cub Cadet String trimmers have a small model and serial number sticker located on the units starter housing.
Model number will begin with 41 or 42.
Cub Cadet Leaf Blowers

Cub Cadet Leaf blowers have a small model and serial number sticker located on or around the starter recoil assembly.
Model number will begin with 41 or 42.
Cub Cadet Chainsaws

Cub Cadet Chainsaws have a small model and serial number sticker located on the handle.
Model number will begin with 41.
Cub Cadet Log Splitters

Cub Cadet Log splitter model and serial plate is located on the frame of the unit, beneath the engine.
Model number will begin with 24.
Cub Cadet Hedge Trimmers

Cub Cadet Hedge trimmers have a small model and serial number sticker located beneath the battery.
Model number will begin with 41.
Cub Cadet Utility Vehicles

Cub Cadet Utility vehicle model and serial number plate is located on the underside of the driver-side seat.
Model number will begin with 37.
What should my Cub Cadet model and serial number look like?
Cub Cadet's current (1997 and later) model and serial numbers are generally 11 characters in length. A character could be a number, dash or a letter. If 0 represented all numbers and/or dashes and X represented all letters, the model and serial numbers should appear as follows: 00XX000X000.
These are made of both letters and number, and typically look like this: 11AA111A111.
How do I determine my product model number and/or serial number if the tag is missing or illegible?
If a product identification tag has been rendered illegible, or the numbers are not valid within our online support systems, it will be necessary to call in and speak directly with a Technical Support Agent for assistance in properly identifying these products.
Cub Cadet Technical Support Department staff may be reached at 1-877-428-2349, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST, Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST. The technicians there will ask you a number of questions while researching our historical manufacturing archives in an effort to determine the model number and manufacturing data of the product. This research can often be a daunting task and may even involve submission of photographs or measurement of particular parts that will identify a production series.
We cannot complete this identification process over the Internet because of its complex nature and the need for direct conversation while researching.
Once the model number and manufacturing data are properly identified, we suggest writing the number in the Owner's Manual so it is readily available. You could also write it on the product with an indelible marker or an engraving tool.